Wandering, Act 3: Divine Hate

Previously… “Leave him to me,” said the woman in the yellow armor as she calmly approached him. “This one is mine.” A feral grin flitted briefly across Lupus’ face. What few of the human soldiers that remained lowered their guns as their captain made her way towards him, a slender curved black blade in the […]

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Wandering Act 2: Fairground

The humans came in the dead of the night, like the cowardly dogs they were. “Remember; no survivors.” He remembered the shrill mechanical tone of the leader, a five-foot-two man in a gold-trimmed mauve hardsuit with a faceplate molded after a howling beast. “Simple and clean, people. Just like we always do.” The night lit […]

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The Howling Black Wind

The two moons held their places for a moment or so high up in the vault of the celestial kingdom, far above the surface of the planet below. One of them was small and benign looking, with a face blemished with grey craters and lines, and yet managed to grace the land with its holy […]

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Random Writing Jam: Aphelion

Superheroes are like rock stars. Both start off unknown and reviled in most quarters. Both have alter egos that come to play when the lights come on. Both skyrocket to fame and glory with that one big break. And both are soon swamped with legions of fans and wannabes who hope to vainly share the […]

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